Main Seminar Program
Monday, July 2 – Friday, July 6, 2018
(Participants’ Conference Program to be posted shortly)
Monday, July 2
9:30-10:00: Introductory Remarks
10:00-1:00: James Williams
James Williams, A Process Philosophy of Signs (Edinburgh University Press, 2016) Chapter 2.
Wittgenstein, Philosophical Investigations (Oxford: Blackwell, 1953) number 423, page, 128.
Jonathan Bennett, ‘What Events Are’
3:00-6:00: Sean Bowden: Bodies, Language and Sense
Gilles Deleuze, The Logic of Sense, trans. Mark Lester with Charles Stivale, ed. Constantin V. Boundas (New York: Columbia University Press, 1990), Series 2-3, 5-6, 9-10, 14-17, 23-24, 26.
Tuesday, July 3
10:00-1:00: James Williams
James Williams A Process Philosophy of Signs, Chapter 8.
Jean-François Lyotard, Le différend (Paris: Minuit, 1983) pp 232-246 [Lyotard is discussing Kant here and a good reference point would be Kant ‘The Contest of Faculties’ in Political Writings, Reiss, ed. (Cambridge University Press, 1970) pp 176-90. See also Lyotard ‘The Phrase-Affect’
3:00-6:00: Anna Longo: French Rationalism: History and Event
Martial Gueroult, “The History of Philosophy as a Philosophical problem”, in The Monist, Vol. 53, No. 4, Philosophy of the History of Philosophy (October, 1969), pp. 563-587.
Jean Cavaillès and Albert Lautman, “Mathematical Thought”, record of the 1939 meeting at Société françaises de philosophie, English translation by Robin MacKay on Urbanomic website:
Gaston Bachelard, The New Scientific Spirit, Translated by Arthur Goldman, Boston: Beacon Press, 1985, Introduction, “The Essential Complexity of the Philosophy of Sciences”, p. 1-18 and Chapter VI “Non-Cartesian Epistemology”, p. 171-177.
Supplementary Readings:
Deleuze, “Gueroult’s General Method for Spinoza”, in Desert Islands and Other Texts, Los Angeles : Semiotext(s), 2004.
Jean Petitot, “Refaire le « Timée » : Introduction à la philosophie mathématique d’Albert Lautman’, Rev. Hist. Sci. 1987, English Translation Urbanomic website:
Wednesday, July 4
10:00-1:00: Sean Bowden: Encounters, Problems and the Genesis of Sense-Events
Gilles Deleuze, The Logic of Sense, Series 9.
Gilles Deleuze, Difference and Repetition, trans. Paul Patton (London: Athlone, 1994), Chapter 3.
Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari, What Is Philosophy? trans. Hugh Tomlinson and Graham Burchell (London and New York: Verso, 1994), Chapter 1.
Gaston Bachelard, “Corrationalism and the problematic,” trans. Mary Tiles, Radical Philosophy 173 (2012): 27-32.
Patrice Maniglier, “What is a problematic?” Radical Philosophy 173 (2012): 21-23.
Supplementary Reading:
Sean Bowden, “An Anti-Positivist Conception of Problems: Deleuze, Bergson and the French Epistemological Tradition,” Angelaki 23:2 (2018): 45-63.
3:00-6:00: Markus Gabriel
Readings TBA
Thursday, July 5
10:00-1:00: Anna Longo: From French Rationalism to Genetic Structuralism
Gilles Châtelet, Figuring Space : Philosophy, Mathematics and Physics, Dordrecht: Springer 2000, Part three, “The Force of Ambiguity: Dialectical balances”, pp. 73 – 82; 88 – 94.
Gilles Deleuze, The Fold: Leibniz and the Baroque, London: The Athalone Press, 1993, Chapter 6, “What is an event?”, pp. 76-84.
René Thom, “At the Boundaries of Man's Power: Play”, in SubStance, Vol. 8, No. 4, Issue 25 (1979), pp. 11-19 ; “Stop Chance! Silence Noise!”, in SubStance, Vol. 12, No. 3, Issue 40: Determinism (1983), pp. 11-21.
3:00-6:00: James Williams
James Williams A Process Philosophy of Signs, Chapter 6.
Roland Barthes Elements of Semiology, New York: Hill and Wang, 1986. [Version originale:]
Friday, July 6
10:00-1:00: Anna Longo: The Event in contemporary Physics, Biology and Finance
Carlo Rovelli, The Order of Time, New York: Riverhead Books 2018, pp. 93 – 128, 192-204.
Giuseppe Longo, “How Future Depends on Past Histories and Rare Events in Systems of Life, Foundations of Science, 2017,
Elie Ayache, “A formal Deduction of the Market”, in Collapse : Casino Real, vol. VIII, 2014, pp. 959 -998.
Supplementary Reading:
R. Koppl , S. Kauffman, G. Longo, “Economics for a creative world”, in Journal of Institutional Economics, Vol. 11, Issue 01, pp 1 - 31, March 2015
3:00-6:00: Sean Bowden: Actions, Agency and Ethics
Gilles Deleuze, Difference and Repetition, 70-96.
Gilles Deleuze, The Logic of Sense, Series 20, 21, 22, 25, 29.
Supplementary reading:
‘“Becoming-Equal to the Act”: The Temporality of Action and Agential Responsibility’, in Simone Bignall and Rosi Braidotti (eds),Posthuman Ecologies: Complexity and Process after Deleuze (London: Roman & Littlefield International, forthcoming – available on request).